Featuring acclaimed author Dr. Jack Shaheen, “Reel Bad Arabs” examines a long history of degrading images of Arabs portrayed in the America media—from Bedouin bandits, sinister sheikhs, to gun-wielding terrorists. The film offers devastating insights into the origin of these stereotypical and sordid images, and why they matter even more in today's geopolitical world. Shaheen argues how the persistence of these unfavorable representations over time has served to promote and normalize prejudicial attitudes toward Arabs and Arab culture, justifying support for devastating US domestic and international policies in the Arab world.
We believe that it is time to demystify the unfair and racist images that were constructed by the American media and maintained by general ignorance. The choice is up to us to demand fair representation of people of all races and nationalities. The film will be followed by a panel discussion. It is free and open to the public.
Film Duration: 50 minutes
Monday, March 22nd, 5:00 - 7:00 pm, University Hall Amphitheater